সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১st মার্চ ২০২২
প্রকল্পের কার্যক্রম
To initiate, support and conduct research on environment climate change issues to address challenges and possible solutions concerning the environment, climate and sustainable development.
To promote interdisciplinary research and education within environment climate change issues, highlight and communicate
To conduct the activities under interdisciplinary nature based on cooperation between government organization and other
Act as a springboard for new generations of researchers and professionals trained in interdisciplinary approaches and makes evidence-based knowledge that contributes to solutions in the field of environmental and climate research.
To support, develop and conduct interdisciplinary environmental and climate research with academia, institutes, universities, colleges and other research organizations.
To establish national and international network with similar types of organization and stakeholders.
To act as a repository on climate change and environmental data / information.
To support Bangladesh delegation on different climate change and environmental negation/meetings with relevant knowledge product and technical support.
[id] => ad4d031f-e684-469b-bb3f-0b7f0c4da289
[version] => 6
[active] => 1
[publish] => 1
[created] => 2024-01-15 10:23:24
[lastmodified] => 2024-08-13 14:43:14
[createdby] => 4325
[lastmodifiedby] => 4325
[domain_id] => 7452
[office_id] =>
[menu_id] =>
[title_bn] => মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
[title_en] => Honorable Adviser
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[office_head_description] =>
[office_head_des_bn] => সৈয়দা রিজওয়ানা হাসান
মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়
[office_head_des_en] => Syeda Rizwana Hasan
Honorable Adviser
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
[designation] =>
[designation_new_bn] => মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
[designation_new_en] => Honourable Adviser
[weight] => 4
[id] => 6a8ce4d3-f436-4542-86de-634f23fe3dcd
[version] => 6
[active] => 1
[publish] => 1
[created] => 2024-01-15 10:28:55
[lastmodified] => 2024-09-19 12:28:20
[createdby] => 4325
[lastmodifiedby] => 4325
[domain_id] => 7452
[office_id] =>
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[title_bn] => সচিব
[title_en] => Secretary
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[office_head_description] =>
[office_head_des_bn] => ড. ফারহিনা আহমেদ
পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়
[office_head_des_en] => Dr. Farhina Ahmed
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
[designation] =>
[designation_new_bn] => সচিব
[designation_new_en] => Secretary
[weight] => 3
[id] => 39295508-5acc-4739-8d81-e9e64950616c
[version] => 38
[active] => 1
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[created] => 2022-03-09 11:22:53
[lastmodified] => 2024-12-10 09:28:13
[createdby] => 4325
[lastmodifiedby] => 4325
[domain_id] => 7452
[office_id] =>
[menu_id] =>
[title_bn] => উপপ্রকল্প পরিচালক
[title_en] => Deputy Project Director
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[office_head_description] =>
[office_head_des_bn] => মোঃ জহিরুল ইসলাম
যুগ্মসচিব (প্রশাসন)
পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়
উপপ্রকল্প পরিচালক
CECCR প্রকল্প
[office_head_des_en] => Md. Jahirul Islam
Joint Secretary (Admin)
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Deputy Project Director
CECCR Project
[designation] =>
[designation_new_bn] => উপপ্রকল্প পরিচালক
[designation_new_en] => Deputy Project Director
[weight] => 1
মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
সৈয়দা রিজওয়ানা হাসান
মাননীয় উপদেষ্টা
ড. ফারহিনা আহমেদ
পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়...
উপপ্রকল্প পরিচালক
মোঃ জহিরুল ইসলাম
যুগ্মসচিব (প্রশাসন)
কেন্দ্রীয় ই-সেবা

সামাজিক যোগাযোগ
ইনোভেশন কর্নার
জরুরি হেল্পলাইন নম্বর